When I heard that Kristen and Bethany of Girl Defined Ministries were planning to release another book about biblical womanhood, I was quite excited. It had been a few years since their last book was released and I was looking forward to reading another book from them. But I was pleasantly surprised when they reached out to me last year to ask me to read and give them notes on the first draft of Made to Be She. I was honored that they asked me to help and trusted me to give them honest feedback on everything from the flow of the content to the theology of their teachings (which says a lot about their desire to get this book right that they would ask for honest feedback from myself as well as several other people). When I read the draft, I knew that even in this unfinished form, this book was incredible and had the potential to be their best book yet. Now that I’ve read the finalized book, I believe that it is their best work, and I am excited to see the impact it will have on the next generation of Christian women that read it. I was quite blessed to be a part of it, even in a small way. ~ Bethel PS – If you do purchase the book, you can find my name in the acknowledgments 😊 In their book Made to Be She, authors Kristen Clark and Bethany Beal dive deep into what it means to be created as a woman in the image of God. They start by addressing the ways in which our views of womanhood have gone wrong, explaining that there are not only pitfalls to believing in feminist womanhood to give you a satisfying identity, but also in religious womanhood that tends to rely on personal works and legalism rather than God’s grace and redemption. Both of these ditches (feminist womanhood and religious womanhood) are examined carefully through the movements that influenced their current state while helping readers see that the only way to find a fulfillment in your identity as a woman is to rely on the truth God reveals about your design through His Word, providing guidance on how to improve your biblical literacy and diving deep into six core traits that God designed into males and females respectively. The fallout of many difference aspects of feminist womanhood are explored, including transgender ideology, the birth control pill, and the normalizing of choosing a career over motherhood. Through it all, you are encouraged to find hope and confidence by reclaiming God’s timeless design so that you can live out fearless femininity. This book is full of wisdom and inspiration for women of all ages. Kristen and Bethany tackle some difficult topics with clarity and bring biblical truths to areas that are often hidden beneath ideas that rely on feelings and human reasoning. They are honest about the aspects of womanhood and their faith that they got wrong so they can help others get it right. No matter where your views of womanhood are, you will hopefully find a fresh and must-needed perspective that will ground your identity in the truth of God’s Word. It’s a must-read for women who desire to find their identity as a redeemed daughter of the King of Kings. Get your copy today! Teen Rating. This book addresses some sensitive topics with honesty and appropriateness, such as sex, marriage, transgenderism, the birth control pill, and more. If your daughter is younger, I would encourage you to read the book to decide if she is mature enough to handle their discussions around these topics. Otherwise, I would recommend their first book Girl Defined as an alternative that might be a better starting point for a younger teenager. I would confidently recommend it for those 16 and older. Interested in purchasing this title? If you purchase it from Amazon using the link below, Abiding Grace Ministries will receive a small commission from the sale at no cost to you. Purchase Made to Be She: https://amzn.to/3OOVYcK If you to read my reviews of Kristen's and Bethany's other books,
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Although I have enjoyed and been inspired by all of the books released by Kristen and Bethany, I believe that this book is by far their best yet. In certain respects, I feel like this book was both written for me and could have been written by me with my life stories inserted into it. I don’t know if I have ever experienced that while reading any book written by other authors. The challenge of trusting God with the twists and turns of your story is a message that will resonate with every reader that chooses to take its message to heart. Being a part of the launch team and helping plan the launch of the book has just been the icing on the cake. This is a book I cannot recommend enough ~ Bethel Change. Disappointment. Rejection. Worry. All of us have experienced these detours from the narratives we had planned for our lives. No matter how well we plan things out or how good our intentions may be, life is bound to throw us some curveballs. Knowing how to navigate these changes is hard and often painful, especially when we are dealing with major life changes. We want to believe that God is good, but it can be hard to understand His plan or feel His presence when we feel the rug ripped out from under us again and again. It makes us ask the question: How can I learn to fully trust God when life doesn’t go the way I expected? In their book Not Part of the Plan, authors Kristen Clark and Bethany Beal dive deep into helping their readers navigate the twists and turns of their story while trusting God fully. Kristen and Bethany open up in a way they never have before about their stories not going according to plan. Through Bethany’s years of unfulfilling longings for marriage and Kristen’s years of struggling with infertility, they discovered that even when life doesn’t go according to plan, God is good, ever-present, and can bring us hope and peace amid heartache and disappointment. Pairing their stories with Scriptural and practical truth, this book is designed to help young women to work through past and present detours in their stories. Each chapter includes prayers, reflection questions, and challenges to help them dive deeper. This book is honest and real in a time in history when everyone has faced challenges due to changes from a worldwide pandemic. This is a book that every young woman needs to read. Get your copy today! *I received an advanced copy of this book from the publisher for the purpose of this review Interested in purchasing this title? If you purchase it from Amazon using the link below, Abiding Grace Ministries will receive a small commission from the sale at no cost to you. Purchase Not Part of the Plan: https://amzn.to/3VCHVe3 Check out my reviews of Kristen and Bethany's other books: Girl Defined Love Defined Sex, Purity, and the Longings of A Girl's Heart Shine Bright To learn more about my next book, Redeeming the Beast, click here
When I heard that Kristen and Bethany were coming out with a devotional, I was so excited. Having been a part of the launch of their three previous books, I know how well they do at helping young women understand the beautiful design and powerful purpose behind their womanhood. Even before I read this book, I knew that combining this strength with plenty of Scripture in a devotional would be a great combination. This prediction was proven to be accurate. I was excited to once again serve on their launch team for this book (which now marks the most book launches I have done for any author!) and recommend this book to any young woman wanting to learn how to “shine bright” ~ Bethel In their devotional, Shine Bright, sisters Kristen Clark and Bethany Beal help young women get into God’s Word with 60 days of Scriptures, journaling prompts, and other spiritual exercises. Sharing stories and insights that are both new and familiar to the followers of their ministry GirlDefined, Kristen and Bethany connect the Scriptures they share with real-life experiences in a way that is engaging and relevant. Through the variety of Scriptures and topics they discuss, you are given a picture of what it looks like to become a woman defined by God’s Word, which will give the readers the ability to “shine bright” for Christ, if they choose to embrace these truths. This book is well-written and well-designed (the cover is so cute!). Designed to encourage the reader to build consistent Bible study habits, this book would a great option for any teen girls or young women that want to develop the discipline of doing devotions. Get your copy today! *I received a copy from the publisher for the purpose of this review as part of my involvement in the book’s launch team NOTE: There have been issues with their book distributors and keeping the books stocked. If you are interested in ordering the book to support the launch (which I totally recommend), their publisher Baker Books is currently running a sale of 30% off and free shipping. For more info, click here Interested in purchasing this title? If you purchase it from Amazon using the link below, Abiding Grace Ministries will receive a small commission from the sale at no cost to you. Purchase Shine Bright: https://amzn.to/3ZREL8W Check out my reviews of Kristen and Bethany's other books: Sex, Purity, and the Longings of a Girl's Heart Love Defined Girl Defined To learn more about my book, Beyond Your Wardrobe, click here
As I was a part of the launch for their last book a year ago (Love Defined), I heard they were planning on releasing another book this year. But I admit I was surprised when I heard about the topic. Not because I didn’t think they would do a great job, but because it was very closely related to the subject of their last book. Not to mention that I have read many books on the subject over the years, I was curious if they would be able to provide a newer perspective for a generation of young women who don’t want to do when it comes to the subject of biblical sexuality. But in the end, I was not disappointed. What I found I liked the best about the book is that it doesn’t feel like some purity books that are written by older women that give lists of do’s and don’ts. This was written in a friendly tone by sisters who feel like they are your big sisters, trying to help you understand what to do with this confusing topic in an honest and vulnerable way. I am so grateful that that Kristen and Bethany were willing to address this topic, and that they remind us that even though we have all experienced some form of sexual brokenness, God can and will redeem all of it in His time for His glory. If a girl is the right age (see my ratings at the end of the review), this is a book I would definitely recommend ~ Bethel Purity. It’s made to feel like a dirty word in our culture, because it is something that our culture refuses to honor. And even those of us that try to honor it eventually come to realize that the impurity of the culture around us has seeped into our hearts and minds. We have a hard trying to wrap our minds around the topics of purity and sexuality in a God-honoring way, but we are afraid to ask the questions that will help us find answers and freedom. We are scared that we are the only one that has questions or struggles, so we clam up and are left in fear. It makes us ask the question: how can I learn the truth about God-defined sexuality? In their newest book, Sex, Purity, and the Longings of a Girls Heart, sisters Kristen Clark and Bethany Beal help us find the beauty and freedom that comes from choosing to pursue God-honoring sexuality. Helping us see that we all have experienced sexual brokenness and struggles with lust, they help us identify where our culture has steered us wrong by identifying four lies about our sexual design and challenging us to replace them with truths from God’s word about the way He designed our sexuality. They offer tools for combating temptations and the battles within your mind and take time to address many specific questions about “hush hush” topics and questions that they asked their readers during a survey. And finally, they help us see that God has help us walk the path of freedom from past and present struggles with our sexuality, helping all of us see that God can redeem anything in His time, including our sexuality, if we choose to walk in faith and surrender to Him. This book is much needed and powerful. It’s the kind of book I wished I had as a teenager. Kristen and Bethany are honest and relevant in their writing style, and have a genuine heart to help girls and women get back to the women God intended them to be. This is a book that I recommend to women and girls about 16 and older. Get your copy today! *I received a copy of this book from the publisher as part of my involvement in the book's launch team and for the purpose of this review Teen Rating. Although the topics in this book are well addressed, I would struggle to recommend this book to a younger teenager. I think that some of the topics discussed could cause a loss of some innocence if she is not to that level of maturity (I am not mentioning these topics by name for concern about teens that may read this review). But at the same time, I do recognize that these topics are completely and totally necessary to discuss. I would recommend it for girls about 16 or older. For teens 15 or younger, I would recommend Bethany and Kristen's last book, Love Defined, as a better starting point for their age Personal Rating. Aside from wishing that certain topics were addressed in a way that was better suited for younger teens, my other criticism of the book is that the way that some struggles are address may creating worldly sorrow that leaves one stuck in their struggles instead of motivating them to truly repent so they can most past the struggle. Aside from these issues, this book is an awesome resource that I would highly recommend. This book inspired and challenged me, and I think it will be for you too Interested in purchasing this title? If you purchase it from Amazon using the link below, Abiding Grace Ministries will receive a small commission from the sale at no cost to you. Purchase Sex, Purity, and the Longings of a Girl's Heart: https://amzn.to/3ZygAeb To check out my review of Kristen and Bethany's first book, Girl Defined, click here To check out my review of their second book, Love Defined, click here When I first heard that sisters Kristen and Bethany were releasing another book, I was so excited. Since I was on the launch team for their first book, Girl Defined, I knew that this was a book I did not want to miss. I was excited to be accepted onto the launch team for this book as well. Although recent circumstances in my life prevented me from being prepared for the book’s launch day on May 1, I was so compelled when I finally got around to listening to the audiobook version. I basically listened to it straight through. When it comes to explaining the ins and out of singleness, marriage, and everything that comes in between, these sisters have you covered. I once again enjoyed the balanced perspectives of Kristen, who’s married, and Bethany, who was single at the time of writing the book. They are very understandable and relatable in their writing style and in their desire to help women everywhere to pursue God’s plan for finding lasting love. This is a book I would highly recommend ~ Bethel The methods that our culture tries to present us for finding and maintaining lasting relationships are not working. Everything from infatuation disguised as love to sex before marriage to everything magically working itself out in marriage, Hollywood has tried to convince us this is the recipe for success and societal acceptance. But when you look carefully at the lives of those pursuing those methods, their lives are less than perfect. In fact, the statistics for divorce, abortion, and STDs are higher than ever before, but society won’t admit it because their methods are working. They continues to deceive us into a vicious cycle of infatuation and feelings that always results in our hearts getting broken, but we always go back to the same method. It leads many women to ask the question: How can I pursue God honoring relationships with guy, regardless of what season of life I’m in? In their book Love Defined, sisters Kristen Clark and Bethany Baird of Girl Defined Ministries help us discover the ways that we can pursue God-honoring relationships that led to God-honoring marriages, all while giving hope that God has a plan and purpose for those of us that are single. They help us identify our culture’s “fairytale façade” and “Merry-Go-Round” method for satisfying relationships. They lead you to see that following these methods will result in disappointment and brokenness if we continue to rely on them. Instead, they offer a perspective on love, sex, and romance that is radically fresh and truly fulfilling when compared to our culture’s methods. To counter our culture’s methods, they offer a method to approach relationships that puts God in the center and won’t leave you broken, even if it doesn’t work out. Bethany also takes time to watch through the struggles of singleness, but offer advice on how to live your single years well while learning to be satisfied in Jesus. Kristen also walks through her relationship with her husband, and how they involved God in the process of their relationship. Together they address big questions like how to be just friends with guys, if you should date a non-Christian, or warning signs that its time to end a relationship. They conclude with a challenge to live our love defined by God, regardless of what phrase of life you are in. These sisters are a dynamic pair as teachers and writers, and they will inspire you to redefine what you know about romance from God’s perspective. Get your copy today! *I received a copy of this book from the publisher for the purpose of this review, as part of my involvement in the book’s launch team Interested in purchasing this title? If you purchase it from Amazon using the link below, Abiding Grace Ministries will receive a small commission from the sale at no cost to you. Purchase Love Defined: https://amzn.to/3Zzh2Zx To read my review of their first book, Girl Defined, click here
To read my last post (which explains the recent circumstances in my life), click here |
Lion's Eyes Reviews is a blog dedicated to reviews of Christian books, most of which are non-fiction, but may also occasionally review movies and musicals. It will also feature the work Bethel does to help launch and promote the works of Christian authors.
The name is derived from one of Bethel's favorite books, Through the Eyes of a Lion by Levi Lusko. Through these reviews, Bethel hope to give Christians the tools they need to look at the world "through the eyes of a lion" so they can find the courage to "run toward the roar". To find the detailed archives of these reviews, you can check them out here: Books In Review Movies in Review Broadway In Review Quick Reviews To understand the rating used in these reviews, click here Categories
December 2024
Bethel Grove is a Christian young woman who loves to read and write, eat Reese's Peanut Butter Cup Blizzards, and disciple teen girls as a youth leader. What started as a hobby of writing book reviews and doing deep biblical studies eventually led her down the path of self-publishing and supporting other Christian authors and ministry volunteers. She hopes to someday be a vocational youth minister and well-known author.
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