Future Plans for a Beauty and the Beast Devotional & Other Disney Projects || Cowmoonity Podcast5/4/2021 I am excited to take the opportunity with this segment of my podcast interview with Josh Taylor to announce my next larger book release. In this interview segment, I talk about future plans to write and self-publish a devotional guide based on Disney's Beauty and the Beast, as well as other devotionals based on Disney films if this one goes well. "Redeeming the Beast" is my working title, and will hopefully be available by the end of 2021. I will also go ahead and share here the video that I was describing where Glen Keane explains that the Beast's transformation was symbolic of his own spiritual transformation. (That part is about 2 minutes into the video) In many ways, that clip has been the main inspiration for this project Don't forget to check out Josh Taylor's YouTube Channel, Blimey Cow: https://www.youtube.com/blimeycow
In this segment, Josh Taylor of the Blimey Cow YouTube Channel and I continue to discuss my book Beyond Your Wardrobe. We have a much-needed conversation about who's at fault when a guy is sexually tempted and how men should consider presenting themselves with modesty just as much as women. To learn more about my book, Beyond Your Wardrobe, click here
Make sure to go check out Josh's channel, Blimey Cow: https://www.youtube.com/user/blimeycow Excited to share the first segment of my podcast interview with Josh Taylor of Blimey Cow. In this segment, I share about my Lord of the Rings fanfiction, To the End of Her Days, and how I released without infringing on copyright. To learn more about To the End of Her Days and how you can download it for free, click here. Stay tuned for five more segments from my interview in the coming weeks! The last and most important of the videos for this series, this video is heart of Beyond Your Wardrobe, and in many ways the truth that motivates me to do what I do. So excited to share that the trailer for my book is now available on YouTube! Please share either this blog post or the YouTube link! I am also excited to be working on a video series for the book on YouTube and possibly a live event for the book! If you want to learn more, make sure to stay tuned! |
Lion's Eyes Reviews is a blog dedicated to reviews of Christian books, most of which are non-fiction, but may also occasionally review movies and musicals. It will also feature the work Bethel does to help launch and promote the works of Christian authors.
The name is derived from one of Bethel's favorite books, Through the Eyes of a Lion by Levi Lusko. Through these reviews, Bethel hope to give Christians the tools they need to look at the world "through the eyes of a lion" so they can find the courage to "run toward the roar". To find the detailed archives of these reviews, you can check them out here: Books In Review Movies in Review Broadway In Review Quick Reviews To understand the rating used in these reviews, click here Categories
December 2024
Bethel Grove is a Christian young woman who loves to read and write, eat Reese's Peanut Butter Cup Blizzards, and disciple teen girls as a youth leader. What started as a hobby of writing book reviews and doing deep biblical studies eventually led her down the path of self-publishing and supporting other Christian authors and ministry volunteers. She hopes to someday be a vocational youth minister and well-known author.
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